Monday, January 23, 2017

Thy God Reigneth! 1/23/2017

This week was awesome! Elder Lund and I saw so many blessings this week!

First off, Elder Lund and I have been fasting each Sunday for a miracle to happen and it is so cool because each time we have done this we have seen so many miracles happen— even that day! This Sunday, when we fasted, it was awesome because 7 of the people that we have been meeting with came to church!! We were so excited because C, who we have been working with for a long time, read 2 Nephi 31 this past week. She just opened to that chapter and loved it, especially verse 17! If you are a member of the church and read the Book of Mormon you will understand why this was such a great place for her to start reading. Then she came to church and brought her two daughters and they loved it as well! 

Second, last week our Bishop gave us a great referral and told us about this lady who has been coming to church with a member of our ward for 5 years! D has down syndrome but comes to church each week with them and loves it. Anyway we went over last night and taught her the first lesson. It was so awesome and the Spirit was so strong! During the lesson when we got to the part about the first vision, D spoke up and said that she could feel the Spirit really strongly! What a testimony builder. That was such a good reminder to me that the Holy Ghost truly is the teacher. To say the least, that was one of the most spiritual lessons that I have had on my mission. I am so grateful that we missionaries have the Spirit to back us up! 

"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."-John 14:26

Also, last week Elder Lund and I painted mugs so I thought I would post the finished product. Here you go:

2 Nephi 31:17:
"Wherefore, do the things which I have told you I have seen that your Lord and your Redeemer should do; for, for this cause have they been shown unto me, that ye might know the gate by which ye should enter. For the gate by which ye should enter is repentance and baptism by water; and then cometh a remission of your sins by fire and by the Holy Ghost."

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Short and Sweet 1/17/2017

This week was good. We went to the Seattle Temple as a mission which was so awesome! That was a great day.

To be honest, I don't remember much of this last week other than Sunday. On Sunday we had some people fall through that were supposed to come to church, so that was devastating. At the last moment before the meeting started, B walked in with his friend's son L. Both of them are non-members that we have been working with so we were excited to see them and they were like a ray of sunlight to our morning. The sacrament meeting was very good and you could tell that the talks that were given spoke right to B and resonated with him. Then, after the meeting, we showed them the baptismal font and they were excited to see it, so we are hoping that things go well and that we are able to work with them and help them join the church!  

Sorry this week's email is kind of short but have a great week! 

-Elder Bullough

Elder Bullough & Elder Lund are on the 5th row back, far left side
The Seattle Temple

Elder Bullough is the one on the far left with his head out the window

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Great Week here in Gig Harbor! 1/9/2017

This week was great, A was confirmed in church. She was so excited to become a member of the church and was really looking forward to this. It was a great experience because I was privileged to be the one to confirm her. I can certainly say that the Lord is very happy for her to be in the church. She is already absorbing everything like a sponge and is loving every minute of it. A shocked both Elder Lund and I when she told us that she is planning to help her friend in Germany find out about the church. A told us that she has been talking with her about her own conversion, and chuckled a little when she told us that she had told her friend that she would make a great Mormon. --Already a missionary!! Anyway she is doing great and looks so happy and content now. 

I am looking forward to this next week, our mission is taking a trip to the temple!! I always look forward to these trips because it is such a great time to ponder questions and receive answers from God! I also enjoy the Spirit that I feel when I am there, it is really a place away from the world. Many of you who attend the temple know what I mean, so I would challenge you, if you have a temple recommend and are able-- go to the temple this week!

Well hope that you all have a great week! 
-Elder Bullough

Here is a picture of the beautiful view of the Puget Sound:

Elder Bullough & his companions had a fun time making this Christmas card:

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Year Miracle! 1/2/2017

To start off, I can't believe that it is already 2017!? Wow this last year went by quick! I had a blast this last year and am super excited for the rest of this year, and even better the days are getting longer, brighter and hopefully warmer! 

The New Year Miracle:
Elder Lund and I were privileged to see the baptism of A! Last week, I explained briefly that we had met A and that she was going to be baptized on the 30th. We went back this past week to meet with her and she had read and was already making changes in her life and seemed to be so happy and excited with all of the great changes in her life. When we went over with Sister Grover from the ward we taught her about the Word of Wisdom. As part of the policy, she wasn't able to be baptized on the scheduled day because she had drank coffee within the last five days. But when she heard that this was the rule she gladly gave it up and threw out all of her coffee. Because of this we pushed her baptism date back to January 1st, which was such a sweet experience for her. Almost every day last week we went over and taught A, and brought a member to meet with her. A couple days before her baptism, A mentioned the pain that she was in because of the coffee withdrawals (ie: head and body aches). However when we went over Saturday to visit, A said something very profound, she mentioned that all of her pain had gone away, and then she said, "if I knew that coffee would do that to me I never would have started in the first place."-- So true, we don't often see the harmful affects until further down the road. Anyway, A was able to have a wonderful baptism on January 1st of this new year! And to put the cherry on top, A ran into an old friend that she had through her care-giving service and didn't even know that she was in the ward until she came to the baptism. They had a great time reuniting and talking all about how A had come to know that the church was true! 

Here is a picture for you all and have a great week!

Me, A, and Elder Lund
Happy New Year!!
-Elder Bullough